Angelo M. Turang

Our Experts

Mr. Angelo Has competency
Security Competency : 
1. Auditor SMP ( Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan /Security Management System )
2. Gada Utama Training ( Security Training for Manager Level )
Safety :
General Safety Officer Training (Ahli K3 Umum)

Academic qualification :
Magister Science (M.Si) (*S-2 Police Studies majoring in Security Management – Universitas Indonesia)

Security Competency : 
1. Auditor SMP ( Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan /Security Management System )
2. Gada Utama Training ( Security Training for Manager Level )
Safety :
General Safety Officer Training (Ahli K3 Umum)
Skills and Language :
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Power Point, English and Bahasa

Job Training dan Workshop

  1. 2018 : Upskilling Training for the Auditor SMP Obvit (Certified by LSP Polri 2019)
  2. 2018 : Certified training for the Lead Auditor SMP, by PT.Sucofindo, Jakarta
  3. 2013 : Training for the level of Security Manager (Gada Utama), AMSI-Mabes Polri, Bogor (Certified by LSP Polri 2019)
  4. 2009 : Organizational Resilience Training, ASIS Indonesia Chapter, Bogor
  5. 2009 : Security Management Training, Binareksa Pratama-Mabes Polri, Bogor
  6. 2009 : Certified Training for General Safety Officer (Ahli K3 Umum), PT.Sucofindo-Depnaker, Jakarta
  7. 2000 : Training for Sales Executives, PT.Intraco Penta Jakarta, November
  8. 1992 : Workshop on Ziel-Orientierte Projekt Plannung, Jakarta
  9. 1991 : Participate in On-the-Job Job Training, Samick Musical Instrument Co.,ltd,Mfg, Incheon, South Korea

Professional Expeiences

  1. Set-up Security Managemet System based on Perpol 7/ 2019 at PT.PLN Unit Induk Wilayah NTT May 2021
  2. Set-up Security Management System based on Perpol 7/2019 at PT.TPPI Plant Tuban Jawa Timur April 2021
  3. Set-up Security Managemet System based on Perpol 7/ 2019 at PT.PLN Unit Induk Wilayah Kaltimra April 2021
  4. Set-up Security Management System based on Pepol 7/2019 at PT.TEL Tanjung Enim Sumatera Selatan
  5. Set-up Security Managemet System based on Perpol 7/ 2019 at PT.PLN Unit Induk Wilayah NTB August 2020
  6. Auditor SMP dan Konsultan Keamanan di Direktorat Pengamanan Objek Vital (Ditpam Obvit Korshabara Baharkam Polri 2019 – sekarang
  7. Security Consultant di Sekeretariat Jenderal Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat RI Agustus-Desember 2019
  8. SMS Consultant based on Perkap 24/ 2007 ( PT. Surya Karsa Mediagormasindo) Project
  9. Consultant of Security Management System (SMS) at the Directorate of National Vital Object ( Baharkam Polri) Project
  10. Consultant of Security Management System (SMS) at the Directorate of National Vital Object ( Baharkam Polri) Project
  11. SMS Consultant (PT.Nawakara Persada Nusantara) Project :Pertamina Hulu mahakam (PHM) Balikpapan
  12. SMS Consultant (PT. Esa Garda Pratama) Project : PT.TMMIN ( HO Sunter and Plant 3 Karawang )
  13. Operation, PT.Amyra Saguna Mitra
  14. Corporate Affairs Manager, PT.First Security
  15. Administrative Officer
  16. HR & GA Supervisor.

Organizational Background

  1. 2017- 2019 : Consultant and Researcher ( the Research Center of Police Studies and Terrorism – Universitas Indonesia )
  2. 2013 – 2019 : Security Advisor, SAS Holding, Jakarta
  3. 2013 – 2015 : Executive Secretary, Indonesia Chamber of Commerce for the Committee of Australia, New Zealand and Timor Leste
  4. 2012–2013 : Executive Secretary, Indonesia Chamber of Commerce for the Committee of South America
  5. 2008 – 2013 : Deputy of Permanent Committee for the Placement of Domestic Labor, Indonesia Chamber of Commerce
  6. 2010 – 2011 : Member of the Board of National Job Training – (Dewan Pelatihan Kerja Nasional – DPKN)
  7. 1997 – 1998 : Chairman of the Student Council (Ketua Senat Mahasiswa) STIE Kampus Ungu, Jakarta
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